My husband has visits three times a day from one of the companies "exposed" in last Sunday's Panorama programme.

The reporter secretly filmed myself and my husband throughout August of this year and I was horrified when I realised this intrusion of privacy had occurred in my own home.

I did not give permission for the film to be shown and have found the whole episode very distressing.

I am 81, suffer from angina and need the help I get from the carers to be able to look after my husband who is 86.

I watched the programme and am upset about the way the carers were portrayed. Your article on Tuesday confirmed that one of the kindest, helpful members of the team, the staff supervisor Lynda, had been dismissed because of the footage.

I feel very strongly that she was shown in the worst possible light. Lynda has gone above and beyond the call of duty for my husband time and again over the years.

Her kindness and bright, cheerful nature always brightened up my day as I don't get out often and my husband and I always knew we were safe in her hands. We will miss her dearly.

My husband and I have been well treated by Medichoice carers and were happy with the care he was receiving.

The most harrowing thing was realising we had been filmed in our own home. Our privacy was invaded.

-Mrs JB Wilson, Portslade