John Parry brings his anti-European view to the fore (The Argus, September 21).

First, the European Constitution. It will be good for the British people to have a written constitution. It is claimed that we British have an unwritten constitution.

What does that mean? It means that if you are a lawyer or can afford a lawyer you can take advantage of the constitution.

As with most things in the UK, only the rich and the establishment can benefit, so European legislation will benefit the working people.

Secondly, he implies that because Sweden voted against the common currency we all should. So, two million Swedes should influence us and the other 300,000,000 European voters?

Let me remind all that Sussex is bordered by Kent, Surrey, Hampshire, Normandy and Picardy. Europe is close and vitally important to us.

As a responsible paper, you should show a more rational view and remove Mr Parry from your payroll. Every column of his is rubbish.

-CN Rackley, Burgess Hill