While Councillor Pat Hawkes likes to boast of her personal campaigning for the repeal of Section 28 (The Argus, September 20), her party has paid lip service to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) equality in education.

New Labour broke its 1997 election promise to repeal it in their first term.

Their Learning and Skills Act 2000 actually made matters worse by referring to inappropriate teaching materials and the importance of marriage (just like Section 28, this was a toothless gesture designed to intimidate).

Locally, the New Labour council broke a promise to issue guidance to education workers, so the Green Party published its guidance in partnership with the NUT, Unison and local experts.

The Green Party would require all schools to teach respect and understanding.

We have a duty to prepare kids to live in a society which includes many LGBT people.

-Nigel Tart, chairman, Brighton and Hove Green Party LGBT Group