Those superbly surreal comic clowns Peepolykus have maintained a high profile since their debut show, Let The Donkey Go, and follow-ups, Goose Nights and Rhinoceros.

Equally brilliant is their latest venture, based on a hypnotist who has won national acclaim as a sort of Iberian Derren Brown after a bizarre accident involving his twin brother, a mountain bike and half a brick.

His controversial TV show Mindbender divided the country and often resulted in tears and fighting.

In his forthcoming and exclusive live shows, he returns to his roots as a stage performer.

The Mindbender is Michael Santos, a psychic contortionist whose ability to read people's minds relies entirely on a plant which feeds him information wheedled out of the audience before the show begins. That the plot is somewhat thin isn't of much concern.

It's the abundance of extraneous silly stuff, such as some deliciously inept palm-reading, gorgeous demonstrations of mime and even a performance from a dancing bear that makes this work.

It's brought to us through a high-energy collision of verbal comedy, slapstick and ridiculous clowning.

David Sant plays the bumbling Santos, Javier Marzan his beleaguered assistant and John Nicholson the attention-seeking plant, who both subvert and revel in the conventions of light entertainment to glorious effect. Tickets £10/£8. Call 01273 647100.