Shuttle diplomacy has failed to prevent a badminton club being replaced by an indoor market.

The group has played at Southwick Leisure Centre every Sunday morning for 15 years.

But for the past three years they have shared the sports hall with a growing indoor car boot sale.

Now Adur District Council has ruled the sale is more popular than the badminton sessions and space is needed for more stalls on Sunday mornings.

However, they have offered alternative badminton sessions after the sale ends at lunchtime or during the afternoon.

The club, which numbers several county standard players and at least one England junior squad member among its former members, meets for its last session on Sunday.

Solicitor Alex Bowers, 24, said the club was given just three weeks notice to quit and is now homeless.

Mr Bowers, of Hangleton Valley Drive, Hove, said: "The club has run in the same slot on a Sunday morning for the past 15 years.

"Some of the older members like to enjoy a game before going home for their Sunday lunch.

"They don't want to change to a Sunday lunchtime or the afternoon for that reason."

Council officers looked at the club's attendance figures, which were said to be below ten, before making the decision.

However, Mr Bowers said the club has up to 30 regulars and the survey was carried out during the off-season when attendance is low.

He said: "The season runs from September to the end of May and numbers always fall off during the summer.

"The worst thing was there was no attempt at negotiation with us. We were simply told we had three weeks to make other arrangements.

"We have written to and phoned the council but it seems the decision has been made. We are homeless from Sunday."

An Adur spokeswoman said the indoor sale had become a popular weekly family event over the last three years.

She said: "The leisure centre is not just for sport but for other activities as well."

Barry Newman, the council's leisure services director, said he had offered the group the chance to play at Lancing Leisure Centre on Sunday mornings instead.

Friday September 19, 2003