Streets and parks were virtually deserted of anti-social drinkers as the Brighton and Hove city booze ban began to bite.

Police believe the message has got home: Drink and your booze will be tipped away.

Sergeant Richard Siggs, in charge of a speciallyformed booze hit squad, was delighted.

Two arrests were made on Monday, the day police began enforcing the ban, and groups of drinkers saw their cans and bottles tipped down drains on Tuesday.

He said: "Yesterday was quiet. There were a few drinkers in Norfolk Square and a couple in Edward Street, outside the Social Security office.

"We sorted them out quite quickly.

"We are not out to spoil people's enjoyment of parks where they might enjoy a picnic with a glass of wine.

"We will, however, take action against regular drinkers who take over areas and spoil them for everyone else."

The Brighton and Hove City Council ban, the first of its kind in England and Wales, means offenders can be arrested and could face fines of up to £500.

Drinkers can have booze poured away and they can be arrested if they refuse to hand it over to police.