I agree with Wendy Ford (Letters, September 3). It would be a good idea to leave the remains of accidents at the side of the road to try to get drivers to drive more sensibly.

I would like to suggest that if a driver is caught speeding for a second time, one of the new speed limiters should be fitted to their car so they would be unable to drive above the speed limit.

I can never understand why a road can be accused of causing an accident. Something that does not move cannot be held responsible.

It could, of course, be the result of mechanical failure but, other than that, it must be the fault of the driver or rider.

When travelling on a motorway at 70mph, almost every other car or motorcycle will pass you - it states in the Highway Code that 70mph is the limit.

You rarely see anyone stopped by the police.

Why are cars still legally sold in this country that can travel at double that speed?

With most drivers untrained at these speeds, accidents will continue to happen, with the fire service having the horrible job of rescue and the police the terrible job of telling the relatives their loved ones will not be returning.

Many of these could be the innocent victims of the accident, leaving the grieving relatives and friends to mourn for years.

-Frank Blake, Hove