Fans, true fans, will pay anything and put up with anything. At least, that was the impression I got from Jealous Events' Angel convention.

True, there was a lot of complaining and the organisers received a lot of flak but that did nothing to halt the steady queues forming to receive £50 autographed pictures of the stars of this cult spin-off from Buffy The Vampire Slayer.

Ticket prices varied from £50 to £600 depending on whether you wanted a chance to actually touch the stars concerned, or you were simply happy to see them from a distance, sitting on a sofa on stage answering such vital, life-affirming questions as "What is the most supernatural experience you've ever had?" and "During episode 12 of season four, did you really fart in the limo?".

Even if you were one of the lucky handful taken up on to the stage to ask David Boreanaz, who plays the series star Angel, the one thing you had always wanted to know, there were some ground rules.

No questions about his wife or ex-wife, the excited pack was told firmly. No hugs. No kisses. No presents.

And yet this, and the brief exchange as they handed over their official photograph to be signed, was the high point for most fans.

Pay more and you got to meet the B-list stars in a champagne reception (well, Bucks Fizz and one glass only) in which they chatted, hugged you, had photos taken and even talked about their wives and children.

The main attraction, of course, rushed through the room, all smiles and handshakes. No pictures. No autographs. Definitely no hugs. But the fans were left happy.

They got to touch him or stand within a few feet. Or even caught his handsome, doleful eye through his blue-lensed sunglasses.

This was what they were there for. This was what one woman travelled all the way from Pittsburgh for.

But that was nothing. The real fans cottoned on to a more subtle way to spend time with their telly icons.

They worked as volunteers for the company as organisers, security guards and gophers.

Of course, they also had to pay the £50 ticket price. And their travel expenses. And their hotel bills. But at least they did get to see David and co behind the scenes.

The stock on offer at the stalls was laughable. Buffy The Vampire Slayer thongs for £6.99 nestled beside rubber stakes and Angel single-duvet covers. Strangely, there did not seem to be any doubles.

Despite this, there was a feeling, as the fans queued for the Brighton Centre's poorly-stocked bar or discussed why there wasn't more entertainment in the side rooms, that everyone was determined to enjoy the experience.

At the table next to us a gang from the roof garden VIP party playfully attacked other fans with their rubber stakes.

They weren't disappointed but then they had laughed and joked with Nicholas Brendon, one of the stars of Buffy who had taken to acting as a waiter at the party, offering canaps and langoustine to the guests.

As they played, Nicholas continued to sign his name for the hundreds of fans who still queued, many sitting on the floor looking exhausted but hopeful.

They were about to meet the man of their dreams after all.

Review by Adam Fisher,