A dazzling array of pictures will give people the chance to take a spectacular aerial tour of Sussex from the comfort of their own homes.

Photographer Denny Rowland's images of cities, towns, villages and landmarks across the county goes on sale today.

The hardback collection, called Sussex From The Air, features more than 150 photographs taken from the sky.

Mr Rowland, who divides his time between homes in Shoreham and Cyprus, captured the pictures while flying in his Polish-built PZL-104 Wilga four-seater aircraft, sometimes as slowly as 55mph to take pin-sharp images.

He flew up to 1,500ft above urban areas and 500ft over the countryside.

Richard Taylor, picture editor of The Argus, said: "The quality of the images is truly outstanding.

"Aerial shots are always popular with people, whether they're trying to spot their own house or just enjoying the wonderful views.

"We've tried to cover all the major showpieces and landmarks of what Sussex has to offer."

Mr Rowland said: "When you're in the air it does affect your balance and you can't always trust what your eyeballs may be telling you when lining up a shot.

"When you're looking through a telephoto lens at that height it's easy to feel disoriented or sick but I suppose I'm lucky.

"I'm one of those people who doesn't really get affected by it, so I enjoy taking photos like this."

Among the images in the book are sunset over Brighton's Palace Pier, the West Pier on fire, Arundel Castle, the Long Man of Wilmington on the Sussex Downs, Nicholas Hoogstraten's Framfield mansion and Beachy Head cliffs.

The glossy book showcases a vast variety of Sussex landscapes, from the majestic countryside of the Downs to the busier, built-up urban architecture of Brighton and Hove.

Mr Rowland added: "I like the technicalities of photographing at night so some of the ones of the piers at night are among my favourites."

Many of the pictures have featured in the pages of The Argus as part of the hugely-popular Eye In The Sky series.

The supplements have become collectors' items and it is expected that the book will be similarly treasured as an essential Sussex souvenir.

Sussex From The Air will sell for £20 in book stores across the county but is available for £16, a 20 per cent discount, from offices of The Argus.