Neighbours have criticised plans for a block of flats in Worthing, saying they look "like a prison building".

Borough planners will tomorrow consider an application to demolish a house in Poulters Lane.

Developer Dart Group wants to build seven flats on the site but people living nearby have sent in almost 50 letters of objection.

Some described the plans as looking like a prison while others were concerned at the impact of more cars on residential roads.

One objector said: "Traffic levels in Poulters Lane have only been tolerated because a Worthing bypass was anticipated but, in its absence, no further houses should be constructed."

Another wrote: "The Poulters Lane elevation looks like a prison building."

A third said: "Poulters Lane is already a racetrack with vehicles avoiding other calming schemes in the town."

Council officers have recommended the plans are rejected, saying they are out of character with the area and would overshadow nearby houses.