I was so angry to hear Brighton and Hove rubbished because of its rubbish.

Waste problems are endemic to every large town and city and each has to deal with this in the best way it can.

I live in a small road but nearly every house has been converted into flats, meaning there is a large amount of waste for such a small area.

The refuse collectors are prompt and do their best to keep the road clean - it is regularly swept by a street cleaner.

The onus is, and must remain, on the occupiers to dispose of their rubbish in a responsible manner.

If your rubbish is attacked by seagulls or other animals perhaps it could be that the rubbish contained items suitable for their digestion, in which case they should be wrapped up more carefully.

I often see bags that have been ravaged by unknown suspects. I never see anyone making any attempt to clear up the damage in front of their own house.

Everyone should attempt to clean up their own rubbish rather than blame it on City Clean which, it seems to me, is doing the best it can and if you do ring to complain you will find its staff are polite and patient.

It is time residents woke up to their responsibility to help keep the city clean.

Dispose of your rubbish carefully, make it smaller by squashing bottles and cans and don't tempt the seagulls.

Make use of the recycling facilities available. Sweep your steps if they are dirty and clean up your garden.

Even if the rubbish is not your fault, many people will say thank you for caring.

-Eleanor L Usher, Hove