Voice Of The Argus (July 24), takes a very blinkered view of Brighton and Hove City Council's decision to reject proposals for a lap-dancing club in Western Road.

The planning sub-committee should be applauded for listening to local residents.

There are, in fact, very strong reasons for rejecting the application, as reflected in the overwhelming opposition to it.

The club would cause even more noise and disturbance for residents who already suffer constant noise and unsociable behaviour.

There are, as you say. already many licensed venues in this area. This is exactly the point. Regardless of the type of venue (and you can dress it up as "burlesque cabaret"), the sub-committee gave a clear message that enough is enough. As one councillor remarked: "This could be the straw that breaks the camel's back."

The venue is, in any case, unlikely to obtain the entertainment licence it would require, as it abuts a number of residential properties.

Ward Councillor Paul Elgood has previously invited the directors behind the proposals to discuss solutions that residents would find acceptable.

The directors would be best advised to forget an expensive appeal and the protracted process of obtaining entertainment and alcohol licences and look at proposals that won't cause further disturbance.

-Michael Cotton, Brighton