Once again, this excellent company has come up with a production that is not only highly entertaining but also informative.

Based on her research with real "working girls", author Anita Sullivan has developed a play that gives a view of the lives of prostitutes working in a seedy sauna.

Irma, the central character, is a university student whose apparent motive for turning to prostitution for a summer job is to pay off her student loan. The play is a retrospective review of her experiences and relationships.

In the main, the clients and girls have a cosy relationship that one feels is not matched in real life where there would be an atmosphere of potential danger.

However, this cosiness is shattered in one scene that is a powerful piece of theatre which owes much to the superb performances of Alex Childs and Martin Nicholls. The rest of the cast match their high standard of acting.

For tickets, call 01273 746118.

Review by Barrie Jerram, features@theargus.co.uk