Councillor Simon Battle valiantly defends Brighton and Hove parking schemes (Letters, June 25).

As a resident of the area, I readily admit there was a problem with illegal parking that was not being addressed by the police.

However, Coun Battle must realise that, even with their advocates, the schemes have been badly implemented and now run.

I have no doubt money made from the schemes has been reinvested but what amount is the even larger percentage that has just gone to boost NCP profits?

Surely Brighton and Hove City Council could have run the service itself and kept at least half the money instead of following the ever-increasing standard of outsourcing.

When the scheme in central Hove was introduced, it was erratic. The wardens all had different rules and the service to residents was inadequate.

Although the regulations are enforced until 8pm on weekdays and at weekends, the office dealing with illegal parking or inquiries is open only from 9am to 5pm on weekdays.

That is, if you are lucky to get through in the first place.

I have an outstanding complaint concerning parking bays. Outside contractors were hired to mark the new spaces and introduce yellow lines.

On one part of the The Drive in Hove, spaces for parking were reduced by at least 20 due to inane adherence to strict bay lengths.

They are biased towards large cars and do not take smaller vehicles into account. Double yellow lines were also put in front of walls that ceased being driveways many years ago.

Since my initial complaint, the councillor with responsibility for the parking scheme appears to have changed at least twice, making it impossible properly to resolve issues.

If the scheme had been efficiently and professionally introduced and maintained, the number of complaints and opponents to it would be greatly reduced.

Why is the council so inefficient at managing its business?

-S Wilson, Hove