I did say my letter regarding cyclists would stir up a wasps' nest, and it certainly did according to A Hoyle (Letters, June 21)

But I did not state that a bicycle would cause damage to the road. I did say that 25,000 bicycles would.

Surely cyclists would not begrudge a small contribution for the perks they now get?

They have taken over part of the road with cycle lanes, our parks and even parts of our pavements.

They totally disregard the highway code by riding past red traffic lights and the wrong way up one-way streets. Need I go on?

I have heard of numerous near misses involving pedestrians on the pavement.

We all have our faults. I am not saying all cyclists are tarred with the same brush, so let's live and let live.

You cyclists stop complaining about us motorists and we will stop complaining about you.

-Roger Lee, Brighton