Licensees in Brighton and Hove are becoming involved in policy-making in the city.

A group, The Licensees Association (LA), was formed earlier this year and is being led by chairman Simon Woplin and secretary Neil Lucas.

The group has drawn up a constitution, selected a committee and is promoting the benefits of the association.

Mr Woplin said: "Last year, after the Fatboy Slim concert, we woke up to the realisation we had no mechanism for presenting our views on a number of key issues that directly impact on our businesses.

"With the help of Business in Regeneration, we have established a professionally-run organisation and we are beginning to receive invitations from the council and the police to attend the key strategy and planning meetings relevant to our sector."

LA members have already attended meetings on licensing policy, tourism strategy and violent crime.

Tim Nichols, environmental health and licensing manager at Brighton and Hove City Council, said: "We have been trying to engage with this important sector of the business community for some time now.

"The formation of this new association will make our lives much easier in the longer term as we can work toward solutions that take everyone's needs into account from the outset."

Wednesday June 11, 2003