I was interested to read the recent article by Adam Trimingham (The Argus, May 29) concerning the millions of birds being killed annually by neighbourhood moggies.

I have long believed cats are having a significant effect on bird populations and it might interest your readers to know the latest research by the RSPB has shown that fitting a simple bell to a cat's collar reduces predation on a variety of creatures, including birds, by 35 per cent.

This figure rose to 44 per cent where cats were fitted with sonic collars.

The survey also revealed that the most common bird victims were house sparrows, robins and blackbirds.

Could I ask all cat owners to consider fitting a bell, or two, to their pet's collar as amatter of urgency?

At this time of year, when the young birds are taking their first flights, they are at their most vulnerable.

-Colin Upton, Shoreham-by-Sea