As a member of the shadow Brighton and Hove Older People's Council (OPC), I would like to take issue with

F Matthews (Letters, June 5) who claimed "all the participants of the OPC are party activists or failed councillors".

While the majority may have been ex-councillors, three out of the eight were not.

I cannot speak for the political activities of two of those three but I can assure him any limited political activity I ever undertook ceased some years ago.

From the start, I could see there was a real risk the OPC could turn into a "House of Lords" for ex-councillors.

The concept, however, is to have a body made up essentially of individuals who the electorate of over 60s residents feel have something to contribute to the council's activities.

If there is a belief that too many ex-councillors might become members, more people outside of that group should have offered themselves for the current election.

Nomination was open to all older people from all walks of life and would have been welcomed.

Ultimately, it is the candidates and the ballot box that shapes the council.

-Bob Gunnell, Brighton