I am absolutely disgusted by the planning decisions made by Adur Council's planning committee, namely (a) the peat distribution terminal and (b) the aggregate bagging operation.

Both of these will generate significant levels of HGV traffic to add to the existing air pollution, noise and vehicular impact problems.

I duly placed objections, after reading The Argus article (May 21), which highlighted the peat application.

Upon reading the follow-up article, I found the reported Adur Council planning committee members' comments very disturbing.

At the least, they are very naive statements, implying a lack of local awareness or, worse still, a bias to development at Shoreham Harbour.

My understanding is planning applications (according to Nolan) should be judged on their merits, not on any preconceived ideas.

Given Shoreham Harbour desires to be a 14-hour, deep water harbour, all planning applications should be decided with care in respect of both the present and future implications.

-Steve Collier, Hove