Congratulations to Adur Council for agreeing to the "peat factory" at Shoreham Harbour and not bowing to the wishes of the so-called famous who decided to purchase property in the vicinity.

My son has owned the local record store for more than 20 years, selling the records of these so-called famous artists and receiving a pittance in return.

He is now facing the threat of closure because he can no longer compete with unfair competition.

The superstores sell CDs at less than he has to pay the record companies.

We are all in favour of competition, providing the starting point is the same for all.

I am quite sure these so-called mega stars couldn't give a damn about the individual shopkeeper so long as they receive their royalties to keep them in the lap of luxury.

This is not just sour grapes.

Of course, I am biased towards my son but I try also to speak for the many small record shops throughout Sussex and beyond that have had to close because of unfair competition from the superstores.

-Colin C Grist RGN, BTA, DN, Southwick