A comedian who caused outrage by skinny dipping in a shark-infested tank to publicise his show has been invited back for feeding time.

Guy Venables, 34, stripped off and plunged into a tank containing sharks, turtles and fish at Brighton Sea Life Centre on Friday.

The stunt, for a £1 bet, appalled staff, who said he could have harmed the marine life and himself.

But Mr Venables has since apologised for his behaviour and has been invited back for a guided tour as a gesture of goodwill.

The centre's marketing co-ordinator Lisa Handscomb said: "We offered him a guided tour as a chance to redeem himself. We'll also give him a chance to feed the animals."

But Ms Handscomb said centre bosses were still considering prosecuting Mr Venables.

She added: "What he did was very dangerous and we must send out the message that it is not acceptable."

Mr Venables admitted he was drunk when he jumped into the tank - organised as a publicity stunt to promote his comedy night Joker Basement, which began at Komedia last night.

He said: "I realise what I did now and I am truly sorry if I upset anyone at the centre. I love fish, especially scampi and would not willingly harm them."