Angry residents fear their Mid Sussex town could be turned into a rubbish dumping ground for the South-East.

Plans to turn Keymer Tile Works in Burgess Hill into a landfill site would devalue homes and create noise, residents told the town council last night.

About 25 residents attended a council meeting to discuss the Waste Local Plan.

Members heard the plan would also destroy a wildlife site at the heart of the community.

The tile works has been proposed as a landfill site for inert waste.

One resident said: "The use of Keymer Tile Works would create havoc to the people living around it and the species living in it.

"There is a danger Burgess Hill will become the dumping ground for the South-East of England."

Resident Eric Seal, of Longhurst, Burgess Hill, said the site was unique because it was one of the town centre's few green spaces.

He said: "Preserving wildlife has become a national issue. The tile works is home to great crested newts, bats, Canada geese, snakes and butterflies. The area needs to be preserved."

Residents have until June 26 to send their views on the plans to West Sussex County Council.