The sleek limo used to chauffeur Brighton and Hove City Council's top brass has been swapped for a people carrier.

The council leader, chief executive and mayor will share the family-friendly Seat for the next three years.

Mayor-elect Jeane Lepper, who takes up her civic role next week, said she was looking forward to rolling up to official functions in the hired vehicle, which replaces the city's shiny black Volvo.

She added: "I don't drive and know nothing about cars apart from they have a wheel in each corner and go brrrm brrrm.

"Next Thursday I will have a chance to ride in the new car and will make my judgement after I have used it - or even seen it."

But former mayor Jenny Barnard-Langston, who lost her seat in the May 1 election, said some of the prestige attached to the position would be lost.

She said: "You can't imagine the Queen arriving in a people carrier. Although you can't really compare the two, it is something the public sees as important.

"When I was the mayor arriving at a school the children were so excited because it was something different.

"Most people expect the mayor or first citizen to arrive in style, not falling out of a people carrier. You might as well hire a taxi firm."

A council spokeswoman said: "We don't think it is demeaning. A people carrier is a modern vehicle for a modern city and has the advantage of doubling up for other uses."

Instead of being just a mayoral car, the vehicle could be used by other officials such as groups attending planning site visits.

It would also be used for collecting visiting MPs and taking council officials to meetings and conferences.

Robert Robertson, the mayor's chauffeur, will continue as official driver.

Labour group leader Ken Bodfish said: "It is a very sensible move. The previous vehicle was not large enough to take the mayor and guests around.

"We get a lot of VIP visitors to the city and don't have a vehicle to take them round.

"The days when you had to have a Rolls-Royce have long gone. People expect you to have a sensible, environmentally-friendly vehicle.

"The status of the mayor as leading citizen does not depend the car they have."

The present Volvo will be handed back to its lease company when the contract expires this month.