Capturing the essence of an entire city in words in one weekend is no easy task but writer Miranda Sawyer is more than capable.

An award-winning contributor to The Observer, The Face, GQ magazine and others, as well as author of acclaimed book Park And Ride and part-time TV critic, she is now lending her powers of analysis to the Brighton Festival.

Along with actor and novelist Jake Arnott, she has been commissioned to pen her thoughts on Brighton and then present them to a native audience.

Miranda, 36, said it was an unusual challenge but she is looking forward to it.

She said: "It's quite weird doing this.

"It's quite an experiment and hasn't really been done much before but I'm looking forward to being in front of an audience.

"You don't get that much as a writer but it's good to get their responses and things generally turn into a discussion.

"I hope they like it though. I don't want people throwing tomatoes."

With a wealth of experience behind her, people could be forgiven for thinking there are few things which would faze the Oxford law graduate.

But Miranda said: "Part of me feels really humble doing this with Jake, because he is such a great writer but the other part of me is really excited too.

"I love Brighton so I was very happy to come and spend some time here."

Miranda said she was going to explore the unconventional side of the city.

She said: "I'm not going to do the standard bemoaning of the West Pier as everyone is probably fed up with that.

"I'm fascinated by the sleazy side of Brighton, which does still exist even if people don't want to admit it so I'm going to try to hunt that out."

Miranda, who spent a summer in Brighton while writing her novel, said she was excited about coming back.

She said: "Brighton has a really nice feel to it."

Jake Arnott and Miranda Sawyer: As Others See Us is on at the Pavilion Theatre, Brighton Dome, on Monday at 7.30pm.

For tickets, priced £7, call 01273 709709.