After reading the letter (May 7) praising our ambulance service, I had to put pen to paper.

Recently, my husband was taken ill during the night and in no time at all an ambulance had arrived at my front door. I, too, witnessed at first hand what heroes our paramedics are.

My husband had suffered a heart attack and was neither breathing nor had a pulse when the ambulance arrived. The paramedics worked on him for 15 minutes and managed to re-start his heart. He was then rushed into hospital and has since made a complete and full recovery.

So often you hear bad stories about our NHS but until you experience how professional the staff are it really does not hit home. My husband owes his life to the speed of the paramedics arriving at my house and their determination to save him.

I want to say a very big thank you to you all. What would we do without you?

-Gladys Watkins, Brighton