Bosses at a fast-food franchise have told police and councillors they are fed up at not being allowed to keep open two popular outlets into the early hours.

Shan Trading, which runs Burger King restaurants in Madeira Drive and North Street, Brighton, asked in an advertisement in The Argus whether it was being singled out.

The answer is No. Anyone in Brighton when the clubs started to close knew the outlet in North Street acted as a magnet for ravers and there were many incidents in the restaurant.

The Madeira Drive outlet is close to people's homes and restrictions were placed on late-night opening there from the start.

Shan Trading has been given fair hearings both by licensing magistrates and by Brighton and Hove City Council.

Both have decided 3am trading is not on and even opening until 1am in North Street would need high levels of security.

If Burger King can make a convincing case it will be able to control clubbers between 1am and 3am, it had better put that again to JPs and councillors.

But the problems have been so enormous the franchise owners are extremely unlikely to succeed.