Hundreds of people have condemned controversial plans for a housing estate on the Downs overlooking Worthing.

Now the huge groundswell of opposition may result in the scheme for 90 homes north of Beeches Avenue being thrown out by councillors.

Worthing Borough Council has received 376 objections to the estate, which runs near the outline boundary of the proposed South Downs National Park.

Many protesters fear that using Beeches Avenue as an access route would be a disaster, with the possibility of an extra 180 cars using the junction with the A27.

Others argue the development will result in the loss of important downland.

Many believe a bypass should be built around the town before an estate is even considered.

Worthing Chamber of Trade and Industry said the land earmarked for building should be included in the national park boundary.

The Sussex Downs Conservation Board and the Findon Valley Society have also objected.

But a spokesman for Hargreaves Residential Developments said that at the Local Plan inquiry, the inspector said the Beeches Avenue plot should be allocated for housing.

The inspector said: "The site is hardly noticeable, tucked away in the far corner."

The developers argue that the alleged impact of additional traffic on the A27 and the effect on the Sussex Downs area of outstanding beauty have already been dealt with at the inquiry.

Hargreaves also dismissed the deferral of any decision until after the National park boundary had been confirmed as this was unlikely to happen until 2006.

Councillors meeting next Tuesday have been urged to reject the application.

A planning report states that the impact on the area of outstanding beauty would be far greater than envisaged by the inspector.