The revamp of Worthing's most historic hotel has cost more than £1 million.

Dawn Packham, proprietress of the Burlington Hotel in Marine Parade, revealed the figure at the official opening of the venue, built during the reign of Queen Victoria.

Mayor Eric Mardell, accompanied by his wife Elizabeth, cut a red ribbon to mark the occasion, and recalled how 30 years ago to the day his wedding reception had been held at the Burlington.

Councillor Mardell praised Paolo, Bruno and Dawn Packham for the restoration, saying they had done a superb job.

He said: "They have raised the Burlington like a phoenix.

"It was so run-down it was sad to drive past and see it was getting more and more weary-looking.

"It is a pleasure to see it in such pristine condition and looking like the Burlington of old. The Packhams should be very proud.

"Worthing is becoming an increasingly popular place to live and the Burlington has resumed its rightful position as a hotel of merit in the town."

Mrs Packham said the main bar, Tides nightclub and Gio's 100-seat restaurant had been proving popular and it was hoped 26 en suite rooms would open within the next six weeks.

She said: "The restoration has been extensive and continues as we speak.

"So far, the cost has been in excess of £1 million.

"The ground floor began operating in November and quickly became a popular venue.

"People have told us how pleased they have been with the restoration, remarking on the significance of the building and its important place in the history of Worthing.

"All the restoration work has been undertaken by local tradesmen.

"When the hotel is complete, we will have created more than 40 permanent jobs and all our suppliers, some 20 in number, are local."

The restaurant is run by brothers Jason and Justin Earl. Justin has worked at The Ritz, the Hilton Park Lane and The Ivy.