The audience had two reasons to smile at comic singer-songwriter John Shuttleworth's show.

Firstly, his latest repertoire of songs and banter was, as always, enough to raise constant laughter. Secondly, we were being filmed.

As part of his lecture on home security, he had a camera relaying our, thankfully favourable, reactions on to a large screen.

The video screen served a second purpose, broadcasting hilarious pre-recorded interludes, while the genius behind Shuttleworth, Graham Fellows, dived off stage for some quick costume changes into other comic creations.

The first of these was a new character, Dave the builder, who was hoping to break into public speaking.

Morose Brian Appleton, the bragging musicologist, made a welcome return with his tall stories and terrible songs.

Returning to the subject of security, I would say from the audience's response to all three characters, Mr Fellows' career is safe for a long time.

Review by Rob Maile,