I was probably as saddened as most decent people to read the letter from CS of Newcastle ("Random violence is wrecking civic life", The Argus, April 2) and I apologise of behalf of the city for the violent attack on his brother during a night out in Brighton and Hove.

Unfortunately, violent crime in a public place is not unique to our city but I would not like CS or his brother to think nothing is being done to try to combat it.

We have an anti-violent crime task force headed by the police but also involving the local authority, the Business Forum, youth offending team and, more recently, the licensees of the late-night economy.

A violent crime officer is being recruited, an anti-social behaviour officer is already in place and the group is implementing a wide range of measures to reduce violence in the city centre, from improving CCTV provision to exploring increased late-night transport options and changes to the night-time street-scene to try to introduce a more calming ambience.

There is no "acceptable level" for violent crime in a civilised society and we realise it would be utopian to expect to achieve a level of zero but have pledged to reduce the problem over the coming month.

I can assure CS and his brother we are very serious in this intent.

-Tony Mernagh, City Centre Business Forum, Pavilion Buildings, Brighton