We congratulate the children on their protest against the new train horns that are becoming a noise problem in towns and cities (The Argus, March 27).

The Noise Abatement Society has received many hundreds of complaints from around the country about the new horns.

The horns constantly wake children in the early hours, which will disturb their sleep pattern and have an effect on their health.

We understand the need for safety, without question, but is there a need for train horns to have been changed to this new level of noise pollution?

It is certain they exceed the required safety standard levels as set in the Visibility and Audibility Requirements for Trains, issued on February 3.

It is time South Central questioned its noise levels as the standard set is for minimum levels, not maximum.

Could the new train horns be noisier than the standard requires?

Good luck to the children in asking for the basic human right of a good night's sleep.

-Noise Abatement Society, Grand Parade, Brighton