Some readers might raise a small smile at the idea of a three-year-old boy having his name on police records.

But the story of Dwaine Pease, who threw stones at passing cars in Worthing, is not really a laughing matter.

His parents are outraged that police arrived at their home to take down details about the tot for their files.

He is seven years below the age of criminal responsibility and may not have known what he was doing.

But Dwaine was with a group of other, older children, who were also throwing stones at cars and they, presumably, were responsible for their actions.

His parents might also ask themselves why they were not in control of the child, who was remarkably young to be on the streets.

He is young to be classified as a vandal now but if his parents do not keep a firm grip on him, Dwaine could easily become one in the future.

They should be thanking police for keeping an eye on him instead of complaining about their actions.