This is a follow-up to Gordon Taylor's letter (March 4) about the veterans of the Anzio landing in Italy in 1944.

Charlie and I met only when joining but were in the same regiment all through our service and were demobbed together on the same day.

We have remained close friends ever since.

We were in the same regiment of 25 pounders, the Field Regiment. Charlie was in a gun troop and I was in the battery HQ, both as drivers.

We went from Algiers to Tunisia, where we saw action while the 8th Army was held up at El Alamein.

We then made the landing at Anzio but were held up there and had to dig in for some time while the advance from the south of Italy was held up at Cassino.

We eventually advanced towards Bologna and then were pulled out to go to Palestine on policing duties.

Charlie is now 91, is suffering from Alzheimer's disease and has lost his memory.

I am 90 and have had several falls through bad balance brought on by a succession of mild strokes.

Charlie is looked after by his wife, Barbara, and spends some time in a nursing home. I am cared for by my wife, Vera.

Harry Baker, Saltdean,

-Charlie Bonner, Seaford