I lived through the Second World War, Jean Mason, heard bombs whirling down and saw the destruction but fascism had to be opposed.

Yes, it is appalling Saddam Hussein has been supplied with weapons by the West. Yes, other nations defying UN resolutions must be pressured.

Yes, it is horrible that lives will be lost. But do correspondents not know of the deaths of thousands of Kurds in the north of Iraq?

In the south, not only have thousands of Marsh Arabs been killed but also Saddam has drained their once-habitable homeland to produce inhospitable desert.

Every day we spend moralising, Iraqis are being tortured and killed.

I suggest correspondents who are not already members should join Amnesty International, which will be a voice for the Iraqi people after war takes place.

In 12 months' time, the action will be seen to have been of benefit to the people of Iraq and in the long-term interests of peace.

-P May, Eastfield Crescent, Brighton