Brighton and Hove City Council has decided that the redevelopment of the King Alfred centre will include a magnificent sports facility.

However, it is unlikely Brighton residents will use the facilities as there is only one bus running along the coast road to get to the King Alfred from north or east Brighton.

The proposed development will have some 400 parking spaces but these will be taken by the residents and all the surrounding streets are residents' parking.

Quite clearly, the development and sports facility is in the wrong place. It should be sited on Peter Pan's Playground, in Madeira Drive.

It would then be easily accessible by public transport from all parts of Brighton and Hove.

The council should merely spend a little money revamping the existing King Alfred building and sports facilities.

For a council that can write off £17.5 million without any remorse, finding a small sum to revamp the existing King Alfred should not be a problem.

-B Bayliss, Mornington Crescent, Hove