The headmaster of Blatchington Mill School should be thoroughly ashamed of himself for suspending five of his pupils for staging an anti-war demonstration.

These are young people who will soon have the vote and could, perhaps, be called upon to fight and die if this insane warmongering goes ahead.

They have every right to hold and express their opinions.

It is refreshing to hear of teenagers who can think beyond the latest pop song or football hero to the real issues of the world.

Would Neil Hunter prefer them to feature in the Press for mugging, vandalism or spraying graffiti?

Okay, so they went a bit over the top, but this is the nature of teenagers, a fact Mr Hunter should be well aware of and make allowances for.

He should reinstate them immediately and not threaten the outcome of their exams in this way.

Alternatively, perhaps another school in the area might be proud to offer them places.

-A M Baldwin, Shelldale Road, Portslade