What did we do before kitchen rolls? Mop up spills with all sorts of cloths? Surely we must have forgotten how much paper goods cost and

all the fine trees lost. What did we do before bin bags?

Put rubbish in newspapers, often under loose rubbish the unfortunate binman would sink into.

What did we do before Blu-Tack? Was it drawing pins all over the wall? Sticking up notes these days seems no bother at all. What did we do before email? Write letters. It's a shame a whole generation has never known pen and ink.

What did we do before junk food? Cook nourishing meals and stay fit. Now, mum and dad become couch potatoes staring for hours at TV while kids call out "We're going out for a bit" to munch on their favourite takeaway while drinking their favourite brew as their CD blasts out Blue.

-Joy Linford, Dallington Road, Hove