John Prescott insists there is a need to build more houses. The old gasworks site in Hove presented a marvellous opportunity to build suitable family housing which fitted this area of residential and small shops.

George Street would have been complemented and, with suitable parking, would have made a marvellous alternative to the rush and tear of Western Road, Brighton.

The George Street concept is so popular with the facilities available to shop, have lunch, dine or take coffee with friends in a pleasant atmosphere.

We already have a Tesco in Boundary Road and a Sainsbury's not far away so why on Earth a towering Tesco dominating Church Road, Hove, which is not a supermarket street?

It will kill all the small local shops, chemists, newsagents and grocery stores and severely detract from this part of Hove.

What induced Brighton and Hove City Council to wreck the charming area so near George Street?

-Edina Hill, Kingsway, Hove