Regarding Southern Water's proposed eight sites for a sewage plant for Brighton and Hove, it seems very convenient on the part of Brighton and Hove City Council that, after 27 years of doing nothing, it has suddenly decided to develop the Black Rock site for a leisure centre.

Is the King Alfred complex, in urgent need of restoration, going to be overlooked?

I suggest the council gets together with Southern Water and combines both schemes in one.

Surely, it only requires Southern Water's structure to be of a sufficient standard to allow the council's leisure complex to be built over the top?

The council could then insist ultra-violet treatment was used in the plant, thereby appeasing the surfers' lobby.

Finally, how does Southern Water intend to develop the Roedean-Ovingdean site when a public inquiry has already rejected the development at Portobello, which is only three miles to the east?

A far larger site would be involved at Roedean-Ovingdean, requiring many more traffic movements and associated traffic congestion.

-E Farrar-Taylor, Longhill Road, Ovingdean