The hours worked by junior doctors at Worthing Hospital are being cut.

As part of a Government crackdown on overworking, the maximum a junior doctor can work by August 2003 is 72 hours a week.

Most doctors at Worthing are now complying with this and the trust which runs the hospital hopes the figure will be 54 hours a week by 2004.

Trust chief executive Roger Greene said both Worthing Hospital and Southlands Hospital in Shoreham were leading the way on this issue in the South-East.

The trust has also been able to appoint 20 extra doctors, taking the total cover to 90, while matrons are now taking on some of the roles previously carried out by junior doctors, freeing up their time to treat more seriously-ill patients.

Bleep calls are also being screened, following a survey that revealed more than 60 per cent that were reaching the doctors were inappropriate.

By 2009, the trust hopes no junior doctor will be working more than 48 hours a week.