It did not shock me how certain residents of Saltdean reacted to the news of The Grand Ocean Hotel being used to house asylum-seekers.

This attitude is found almost anywhere in England and every country in the world. If it was not, there would be no asylum-seekers.

To me, it doesn't matter what colour someone is or what religion they are.

I don't think asylum-seekers get everything, nor do I believe they should get everything.

What they deserve is some understanding and hope while undergoing investigation, not being branded terrorists or people looking to take advantage of the welfare state. They should be given a fair chance.

So, to all the little old ladies and dictators of Saltdean and everywhere else, asylum-seekers are trying to get away from people like you.

Can you imagine their horror when they discover their new neighbours are racist?

Cecil Rhodes said to be born an Englishman is to have won first prize in the lottery of life. Unfortunately, these people were not.

-S L Bishop, Bonchurch Road, Brighton