I did appreciate the wonderful colour photo by Aaron St Clair of the sun going down along the Sussex coast entitled "Light relief" (The Argus, January 28).

It certainly was, especially as there was no evidence of a pier, thank heaven.

Also pleasing to me was the photo by Liz Finlayson of our Brighton policemen sustaining the law - that was very encouraging.

However, the story of a pensioner who had reported to the police his wife's car had been stolen and he required immediate help - which was not forthcoming - is deplorable. The police excuse was that they were unable to send an officer with a car because of a murder inquiry.

This intolerable situation must be sorted out quickly by the chief constable, Ken Jones.

Pensioners play a very important part in stabilising the community and in March 2003 will be presented with a council tax bill showing a 15 per cent increase of costs to the Sussex Police. Are the pensioners getting value for money?

-Roy Hilliard, Old Shoreham Road, Portslade