I was pleased to see The George pub, Brighton, won a trade award for Vegetarian Pub of the Year.

My wife, Sue, started the vegetarian and vegan menu in 1987 when we were the publicans of what was then The Prince George. At the time, we believe there were no other totally vegetarian pubs in England. It was quite difficult to find a meat-free main course in most public houses.

A lot of people thought we were crazy and would have to resort to putting meat dishes on the menu to survive financially but, with faith and hard work, Sue established a reputation which obviously still exists today.

In those days, there was no such trade category, so no awards were received.

This brings me to the reason I am writing - to acknowledge the founder of what has now become one of Brighton and Hove's unique eating experiences. Even though the pub has been sold twice over recent years, the fact it remains vegetarian bears

witness to the groundwork provided 15 years ago. So, well done, Sue, and well done, The George. Keep the faith.

-John H Gravenor, Ali-Cats, Brills Lane, East Street, Brighton