When Brighton Marina was first envisaged almost 40 years ago, the idea was to make it a city in the sea.

So much money was spent on building the harbour that the marina seemed destined to become a white elephant.

Because money to revive the marina came only at intervals, the development was sporadic and uneven. There were successes such as the cinema and superstore but the village square took years to get going.

Now developers Parkridge are putting forward new ideas which should make it a much more pleasant place in the future.

They are improving the layout so the brutal concrete architecture of the past will be replaced by more exciting modern glass buildings.

People will be able to have views of the sea from large areas of the marina, something which is surprisingly not a feature now.

It will be easier to get into the main commercial areas and they will be made more attractive with new shops and cafes.

Once all this has been achieved, attention must be given to improving access to the marina by public transport.

If a monorail proves unfeasible, it ought to be possible to run modern as well as ancient trains on an extension of Volk's Railway.

Then the city in the sea will be a dream come true.