A plot by three friends to petrol bomb a father in revenge over racial abuse backfired when the flat they were in caught fire, a court heard.

They almost killed themselves, seven friends and a dog.

Lewes Crown Court heard how Martin Steele, 17, of Watermill Road, St Leonards; Michael Baldwin, 22, of Wishing Tree Road North, St Leonards; and Grant Smith, 19, of Springfield Road, St Leonards, plotted the attack.

They bought petrol before returning to a flat Milward Road, Hastings.

They started making the bombs but things went wrong after petrol was spilt and caught fire.

Steele panicked and knocked over two bottles of petrol. The defendants plotted after a row broke out when they went with their friend and her baby to Hastings. The youngster was due to visit its father on July 8 last year.

The father called Steele a "nig-nog" and hit or threatened the mother.

Richard Cherrill, prosecuting, said the trio and their friends drove off, at first pursued by the father. Steele was angered at being abused and said he was going to kill the father.

He and Smith started making petrol bombs. Baldwin helped, saying: "You know what happens to people who mess with us, they're going to die."

The trio fled in Baldwin's car but were later arrested. They concocted a cover-up saying they were petrol-bombed but later changed their story.

Steele admitted arson.

He and Baldwin pleaded not guilty to making petrol bombs for an illegal use, a charge admitted by Smith.

All three pleaded not guilty to making petrol bombs with intent to endanger life, damage property or enable others to do so.

The case continues.