I am sure most readers share a real sorrow and a heartfelt sadness at the untimely passing of 13-year-old Natasha Stapleton (September 12).

The generosity in giving to make her last days as enjoyable as possible has been overwhelming. I hope those who administer the almost unbelievable amount donated will remember that not all Natasha's wishes were for herself.

During the past few months, her family has endured unimaginable and, at times I am sure, unbearable stresses and strains while trying to cope with lively youngsters at the same time as seeking to give the necessary care to a dying daughter.

After the memorial service and her funeral are over, her family, with their immeasurable grief, will be left to the comfort of each other and their friends.

May I suggest a small percentage of the money donated be used to send the whole family on a holiday where, after so long, they can spend time enjoying themselves together and revitalising their relationships with each other?

This is so much needed after a time when all their intense care and devotion has, of necessity, been focused almost solely on the one they have lost.

I am certain this is what Natasha would have wanted and am sure readers will agree not only does her family need it but also deserves it.

-T Evans, Fitch Drive, Brighton