Paul Lloyd is absolutely correct when he says audible burglar alarms should be outlawed (Letters, September 10). This is something I have been advocating for years.

Since the police brought the ACPO policy into effect in October 2001, it has become even more pointless disturbing the neighbourhood with alarm sounders because when someone reports an activation there will be no response - and that's official.

It is a sad fact that when I am advising potential clients on the right way to protect their property, some will still insist on making as much noise as possible rather than alerting key-holders or police by using silent methods of communication.

If you want your neighbours to know your alarm has triggered, notify them on the telephone by using an automatic dialler. That way, only those interested will be woken up at 3am.

DIY and old or poorly maintained systems account for a high proportion of false alarms and it would be good to see some kind of legislation that outlaws them, too.

-John Wakefield, managing director, Wakefield Security Systems, Worthing