The crackdown on double parking and unauthorised echelon parking in the Westbourne area (The Argus, August 28) - and the expense involved - would not be necessary if Brighton and Hove City Council had got round to modifying the Zone N scheme introduced in July 2001.

The boundaries of this scheme were drawn in such a way as to force cars into Westbourne while leaving large tracts of roadside space in the Vallance area unused.

The council has known this for more than a year - it even wrote to me in September 2001, to tell me it knew it - but has chosen to do nothing.

Money which could have been spent on modifying the scheme is now being spent on "cracking down" on those who are the victims of the council's own policies.

The real problem is neither the planners nor the politicians in the city are up to the job of managing the schemes, nor the consequences of the schemes they are imposing.

-Trevor Pateman, Dolphin Court, Hove