Brighton's historic Aquarium Terraces is becoming the city's white elephant.

The refusal of a 2am licence for the Po Na Na nightclub is typical of affairs in Brighton of late: A nightclub receives planning permission from the local authority, the location is commended as likely to cause minimal disturbance and then magistrates take a diametrically opposite view.

Brighton and Hove as a seaside resort is swiftly gaining the reputation as a filthy city with serious drug-related crime and increasing homelessness.

Parking is impossible and the local authorities are constantly criticised for failing to keep pace with the needs of both visitors and an increasing residential population.

The situation with the Terraces is just another symptom of a general lack of cohesion and clear direction that is stifling progress in the resort which is destined, if we are not careful, to make a shambles of many other areas besides.

It is high time all the various custodians of power in this proud city got their heads together and agreed some clear, constructive and realistic policies to foster tangible regeneration, otherwise there is little point in the lofty aspirations that were trumpeted at the time of the city status bid.

The current headlong descent is painful to witness and many of us are already beginning to despair of those in power ever applying the brakes.

-Toby Forer, General Manager, Brighton Sea Life Centre