My husband drives a scooter. We are a young couple only a few years out of university and a car is way out of our budget.

Other than getting wet when it rains, the scooter is a fine mode of transport.

It can get up to 65 mph, it is cheap, far better for the environment than a car, easy to park and takes a lot less room on the road.

While my husband is very careful, there have been many close calls.

On one occasion, he was in his own lane and a car began to move over into his lane.

It was the passenger in the car who alerted the driver and warned that my husband was there.

Even though such incidents are not his fault, if he ever gets hit it will be he who loses out.

Car drivers have metal armour surrounding them. Motorcyclists, cyclists and pedestrians have only their skins.

-Tiah Carleton, Denmark Villas, Hove